What a beautiful weekend we just had...makes me long for the next :) Spring is such a highly-anticipated event in Michigan that when it finally arrives, you just can't seem to get enough outdoors time. For instance, last Saturday I got my first chance to plant some flowers and then we had the Nelson's over for our first BBQ of the season. Kara later joined us and we had a nice evening with a fire and some tunes....the perfect Michigan warm weather night!! :) (Warm=55 degrees, but to us...that was just right!!!)
I woke up Sunday with ITCHY ITCHY eyes....my first experience of this. Monday, my eyes were nearly swollen shut! I was miserable!!! I went to the doctor and she determined that I have acquired allergies! I was so sad to hear this because for 31 years I've managed to avoid these annoying things that people so often mentioned this time of year. Well, lucky me...I'll be on meds from here on out to avoid another episode.
Well, that's the latest in our world.
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